パンも丼ぶりも本物みたい! おいしそうなマスキングテープが充実「masté」

おいしそうなものって、なぜか見ているだけで幸せになれちゃいます。特に女の子はおいしそうなものが大好き! 文房具だってパンやスイーツといったおいしそうな柄のアイテムをついつい集めてしまいます。

I have Of particular favorite among of which "mouth-watering stationery" the favorite, Marks of masking tape "masté" series of food handle things.


アメイジングライフシリーズの「ベーカリー」には、焼き立てのパンが! 香ばしい香りが漂ってきそうなほどリアルで絶妙な色合いです。

Campagne, French bread, such as Chokokorone to melonpan, do not get tired look is lined with all kinds of bread.
this"Val"I am a little adult food pattern. Perfect for stylish cuisine we sorted in liquor with wine or beer.



Downright cuteTaiyakiHandle. Burning eyes is subtly different from the realistic, respectively.

This is very popular all over the worldSushiHandle! Neta name Yes to properly written in both Japanese and Roman characters (laughs)

Cute is also using cut one by one a story like this. If put in here and there you can also claim their favorite story. By the way, I like the salmon.

Other, want to eat in the winterOdenAlso of the handle. Radish, egg, konjac, chikuwa ....... It feels good red lanterns that says "Oden".

And presumption isBowl the first time in柄! 新鮮な海鮮丼、大きなエビ天が乗った天丼に、紅しょうがを添えた牛丼まで、ほっこりするタッチのイラストで描かれています。




Even when to present the non-food, sushi favorite to friends sushi pattern, it is to drink favorite friend is likely to be made in the wake of the conversation use the Masute tailored to the taste of the Bar pattern and the other party.,ja

もちろん手帳に貼ってひとりで眺めているだけでも「おいしそう〜♪」と幸せな気分に浸れます(笑) ただしお腹が空いている時やダイエット中は見ないほうがいい……かも!?

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– No Stationery, No life. 毎日、文房具。–– No Stationery, No life. Every day, stationery. -