The second topic of the topic with 1900 % achievement at Makuake! "TERIW THE MAT",ja,The second topic of the topic with 1900 % achievement at Makuake! "T ..,ja

お知らせ|モノ雑誌売上No.1の「MonoMax 2016年7…「GINZA RAKUGAKI Café


"TERIW", which is also known as underlay, has the wish of "I want you to enjoy writing", and is an anagram of "Write" in English.,ja

The first "TERIW THE BOARD" is an item that supports the ease of handwriting by replacing the soft and hard surface with a copper plate. This shape also has an attractive aspect that releases the stress when using underlay. In a normal underlay, you only need to insert it under the page you want to write, so you can slip at the time of writing, or if you have a small notebook, it will fall off. However, the product with a structure with overlapping two pieces can be used with confidence because it can be sandwiched between the pages behind the underlay.,ja

第2弾では金属アレルギーの人に配慮し気軽に使えるようにするなど、第1弾から見えてきた細かな問題点を解消すべく『Teriw THE MAT(テリュー・ザ・マット)』を開発。今回特別に先行で試す機会をいただきました。

The structure of the product is a soft -resin desk mat, and a plastic board made of hard resin is sewn to one. The first feature of the first installment, the characteristics of the soft and hard and hard -to -write taste, are upgraded to a more soft writing comfort with the desk mat fabric. Ideal for those who are looking for a soft writing taste.,ja

In addition, the desk mat can be used as a stamp and a mouse pad at the portable destination, and it seems that the use will be expanded depending on the person who uses it.,ja

In addition, the hidden pocket on the back of the software surface includes not only the attached monthly resphill task list but also photos and seals, so it can be said that it is a multifunctional underlay that can be reached to the user's itching.,ja





スマホやパソコンの操作が増え、「書く」という作業が少なくなってきた昨今。貴重な手書き時間に、どんな筆記具でも最高の書き心地を味わえる下敷き『Teriw THE MAT(テリュー・ザ・マット)』をぜひ試してみてはいかがでしょうか。

& Nbsp;

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